Saturday, December 28, 2019

important Dimensions of Quality Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1435 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Quality Analysis II Imagining yourself to be the customer, construct a House of Quality to provide the organization with your perspectives on what the important dimensions of quality are and how well the organization is currently meeting your needs A House of Quality is a first matrix in a four-phase Quality Function Deployment process. The name is associated with the correlation matrix that has a roof shaped top that sits on the main body of the matrix. The House of Quality is used to translate the voice of the customer into design requirements. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "important Dimensions of Quality Assignment" essay for you Create order These requirements must meet the specific target values and must show how the requirements will be met by the organization. A basic house of quality is shown below (Hauser, Clausing, 2007). The house of quality consists of five parts. The exterior walls that show the customer requirements, the left side has what the customer expects, right side has the prioritized customer requirements; the ceiling or second floor contains technical descriptors, interior walls represent the relationship between the technical descriptors and customer requirements. The customer expectations are translated to engineering characteristics. The roof of the house shows the interrelationship between technical descriptors. The foundation of the house consists of the list of prioritized technical descriptors (Hauser, Clausing, 2007). In this case we shall explore the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s requirements in terms of quality dimensions and how well the company is meeting the current customer need s. The primary requirements for the farm products are aesthetics, features, reliability, durability, conformance, serviceability, perceived quality and performance. The secondary requirements under aesthetics include appropriate color, well packaged, appealing look and well instructed on usage. The secondary requirements under features include after sales and guarantees offered. The products should be consistent, able to last for days without being highly perishable, organization should offer service of the products, they should conform to the set standards, they should perform in accordance to what they were manufactured for and the perception about the products should be highly regarded (Hauser, Clausing, 2007). The goal of house of quality is to design the product in such a way it meets the customer expectations or exceeds them. Thus the farm should come up with technical descriptors (HOWS) that will affect the quality requirements of the customer. Two primary descriptors inc lude material and manufacturing. Quality materials and manufacturing equipment should be used by the farm. The relationship between the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s quality requirements and technical descriptors is achieved by turning the list of technical descriptors perpendicular to the list of customer requirements. A strong relationship exists when a there is a double circle, single circle represents medium relationship, triangle a weak relationship and if box is blank no relationship exists. The symbols are later replaced by figures such as 9, 6, and 3. The roof of the house of quality identifies any interrelationships between each of the technical descriptors. It is a triangular table. Symbols are used to describe the strength of the interrelationships; for example, a double circle represents a strong positive relationship, a single circle represents a positive relationship, a single X represents a negative relationship and a double X represents a strong negative relationshi p. The complete house of quality of the farm will look as below (Hauser, Clausing, 2007). Develop a SPC checklist for each dimension of the product that you believe would be subject to statistical control Quality control is essential to development of any product. Quality control helps to achieve the quality demands of consumers. Quality control can be accomplished in a number of ways that includes selection of products that have gone through manufacturing and ensuring that they have meet certain criteria (Andres, 2003). The products that do not meet quality control are removed from the line of production. Failure to implement quality control standards leads to increased costs, reduction in competitive advantage, unhappy customers and reduced productivity. To prevent such problems an approach that builds quality control aspects. Statistical Process Control is one approach that can be used to achieve quality control. A proper SPC involves looking at products at each level of production. SPC focuses on process and prevention. SPC is can be additionally linked to Total Quality management. Utilizing SPC ensures that the entire process is focused on movement of a product from one step to the next while involving as little rework as possible (Wheeler, Chambers, 2010). It focuses on how inputs, outputs and the product are moved from point A to B. When creating the steps they must be designed in such a way that they repeat themselves thus benefits cost savings and productivity and at the same time ensuring quality control. Quality control does not equal a perfect product and thus SPC works under assumption that there are variances that exist when the product is being produced. For, example in production of farm products it may be acceptable that some vegetables may have less leaves if at all they have than what others have. When utilizing SPC several methods can be used to evaluate the product not only in terms of production quality but also in the quality perceived and realized by the customer (Andres, 2003). Below is a check list for evaluating the product in terms of dimensions of quality. How do the farm products meet the customer expectations? What is offered together with the purchased product? Are there supplements offered? How long will the farm product last before being perishable? How many methods can the product serve? Is the materials used conforming to specifications? Does the company hear out problems associated with the product for improvement? Is there a hotline number for handling complains and recommendations? Do the farm products have a natural taste? How are the products packaged? Do the farm products have a good aroma? Does the product have rich flavors? Is the perception of the farm product high? Evaluate the product using the five-step plan that is associated with the Kaizen philosophy. Observation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" in depth process analysis, variation identification, manufacturing line interruptions, standardization processes or the lack thereof, process vision, countermeasures. One failure point in farm products is lack of accurate date for perishability Standardization à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" The farm products should be produced in accordance with strict guidelines in order to ensure that every product is designed and built to the exact standards by which farm produce industry is expected to produce products. Kaizen Flow Process à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Combining manufacturing steps, proper maintenance of lines and appropriate audit procedures ensures the farm products are of the best quality and thus meets the needs of the customers. The employees should be well trained. Kaizen-Equipment: The organization should improve equipment placement, start up time, dispose old equipments, do frequent maintenance and be up-to-date with recent technology. Kaizen Layout: Find the most efficient method by which to move products through the line. The organization should have a branch com pany where most of its produce is manufactured which excites the workers. Determine what elements of the production and delivery of the product or service would be subject to benchmarking and describe how you would identify those organizations to which comparisons could be made in a benchmarking process. Bench marking is the comparing of oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s business processes and performance metrics to an industry or companies which are known to have best practices. Production elements that would be subject to benchmarking include; how to reduce wastage of raw materials, how to maximize labor, how to efficiently economize on time, how to reduce costs of production, how to increase productivity, the best product design to use, how to have a free flow of production process and how to overall manage the production unit. Benchmarking on delivery includes; how to minimize lead times, how to process orders, fleet management, loading and unloading of fleet, mode of transport to us e, how to deal with late deliveries and how to deliver emergencies. Identification of companies to benchmark follows a series of steps starting with an analysis of the history of the company in the industry, a company that offers the same products but in a superior way, a company that has existed for a long time in the industry, a company with reputable employees and a company that customers rate high in terms of delivery or production (Meybodi, 2009). References Andres, V. (2003). Quality Assurance for the Food Industry:A Practical Approach CRC Press. Hauser, J. R., Clausing, D. (2007). The house of quality. Isao, K. (2010).Toyota Kaizen Methods:Six Steps to Improvement. Art Smalley CRC Press. Meybodi, M. Z. (2009). Benchmarking performance measures in traditional and just-in-time companies.Benchmarking: An International Journal,16(1), 88-102. Wheeler, D. J., Chambers, D. S. (2010).Understanding statistical process control. Knoxville, Tenn: SPC Press

Friday, December 20, 2019

Causes and Consequences of Human Trafficking in Haiti Essay

Throughout the globe, whether a country is highly developed or unstable, all countries must face the issue of humanitarian crisis. These misfortunes can be triggered by human action or can occur involuntarily. Ranging from natural disasters, to diseases, to internal or external conflict, each has been proven to be detrimental to the stability of the society. Haiti has recently gotten attention for being simultaneously affected by multiple crises; each of which helps to place Haiti in a trap which they cannot lift themselves out of without foreign intervention and aid. Organizations such as the Jesuit Universities Humanitarian Action Network (JUHAN), a collaboration between Jesuit universities, are in place hoping to promote awareness†¦show more content†¦Officials in Haiti estimate that an overwhelming 90,000 to 120,000 children are currently forced into this practice, reflecting greatly on the lack of economic stability and growth within the country (2005 Trafficking in Persons Report). When thinking of sexual exploitation, forced prostitution and rape are often the first to come to mind; however, women of Haiti have been noted to consciously choose to exploit themselves. Furthermore, women will trade sex for a goods, shelter, or even security, in turn causing sex to be classified as an â€Å"income-generating strategy† (Kempadoo, 84). According to a statistic pulled in 1984, â€Å"30 percent of the prostitutes from Haiti or from the Dominican Republic were between fifteen and twenty years old† (Benoit, 39). Consequently, the numbers of individuals affected by trafficking in Haiti is evident of the presence and nature of crisis occurring. Haiti is extremely susceptible to the humanitarian crisis of human trafficking due to their unstable government, lack of law enforcement, and static economy. Although Jean-Bertrand Aristide held the position of president, the society still suffered from brutal acts of violence. Due to the fear of being overthrown, the military acted in this way to divest the Haitian people of their freedoms (Americas Watch, 1). However, subsequent to Aristide’s resignation in early 2004, Haiti continued to struggle to gain controlShow MoreRelatedThe Case Of United States V Robinson3295 Words   |  14 Pagesin in prison and 10,000 in fines (UNODC, 2011). Human trafficking is defined as form of modern-day slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tomorrow When the War Began free essay sample

omorrow when the war began, written by John Marsden is an action genre book. The main themes are survival, change, relationships, friendships, courage, self-discovery and morality. The brief storyline is that Ellie and 6 friends go camping in a secret place for a week, and when they return a war/invasion has started in their hometown of Wirrawee. Throughout the rest of the book Ellie and her friends, Homer, Fi, Corrie, Kevin, Lee and Robyn make plans and take action against the war/invasion as they are the only few people left uncaptured. Some of the key points in the novel are Ellie and her friends going camping, Lee gets shot, Ellie, Homer, Lee and Fi blow up a tanker under a bridge to stop the enemy from sending more of their troops into the area, and Corrie and Kevin go to the hospital because Corrie gets shot. I think the authors intensions were to make everyone think about what they would do in a similar situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Tomorrow when the war began or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Positive aspects of the book are that it might give the readers ideas about what to do in a situation such as this. Negative points are the author did not make the book very easy to understand as he kept jumping from place to place, like it went from Ellie and Fi sitting in the tanker waiting for the signal from Homer and Lee, and then it would jump to Homer and Lee with the cattle in the paddock. Also the story line could have been better. The themes are very easy to identify though, which is good for writing essays, also all the themes identified related to storyline well. In conclusion my overall thoughts on the novel â€Å"Tomorrow when the war began† were mainly negative as the storyline is a vital piece in a novel. Also if you can’t understand a book it make s you want to stop reading it, which is why I wanted to stop because I was getting confused as to what was going on where. Tomorrow When the War Began free essay sample GamesEntertainmentLifestyleLog in Username Password Forgot your password? Stay logged in Or Connect Sign up Tomorrow When the War Began Wiki On the Wiki Wiki Activity Random page New Photos Community Contribute Share WatchlistRandom pageRecent changes Robyn Mathers Edit Comments0 42PAGES ON THIS WIKI Robyn Mathers Gender: Female Age: 17? at time of death Martial Status: Single Religious Beliefs: Christianity Status: Dead Added by Rachelrose411 Robyn is a religious girl with integrity. She died to save her friends near the end of the third book in the series. Robyn Mathers was a girl who was very true to her religious beliefs and was moral and kind. She followed rules and was well behaved. She did not want to kill anybody in the war but after a while accepted that it was the only way to survive, showing her bravery. Near the end of the third book, (The Third Day, The Frost), Major Harvey catches his prisoners (Ellie, Robyn, Fiona, Lee, Kevin and Homer) trying to run away from his prison. We will write a custom essay sample on Tomorrow When the War Began or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He holds a gun to Robyns head and tells the others to get down or he will shoot her. However, Robyn is holding a grenade under her shirt and blows herself and Major Harvey up to save her friends. Add category Showing 0 most recent 0 comments Anonymous User Log in? Advertisement See all photos See all photos gt; Recent Wiki Activity Kevin Holmes edited by Rachelrose411 6 days ago Corrie McKenzie edited by Rachelrose411 6 days ago Ellie Linton edited by A Wikia contributor Robyn Mathers edited by Rachelrose411 See more gt; Around Wikias networkRandom Wiki AboutCommunity CentralCareersAdvertiseAPIContact WikiaTerms of UsePrivacy Policy Content is available under CC-BY-SA. Did you miss our recent webinar on main pages? Watch a recording of it now. Movie TrailersFall TV [emailprotected]